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Property Styling Timeless Trends

Property Styling Timeless Trends: Preparing Your Home for Sale



Getting ready to sell your occupied home? Be mindful of how each room will look in the marketing photos and in-person viewings. Here are some key strategies can help you showcase your property for selling success:

1. Know Your Buyer

Before you list your home, research who your potential buyers are by visiting open houses in your area and price range. Pay attention to the other people viewing the homes, their comments, and age groups to create a buyer persona.

2. Style Strategically

Even if you can't afford extensive renovations or a property styling in your home for sale, you can still present your home beautifully on a budget. For instance, I styled a home with scratched wooden floors that sold for $75,000 above the agent's expectations thanks to its overall presentation.

3. Maximise First Impressions

The first seven seconds a buyer experiences your home are crucial. Ensure your street view is attractive and welcoming, setting a positive tone for the rest of the visit.

4. Keep Styling Simple

Be prepared to style your home for viewing in one hour. Yes, it can be done. Have inexpensive bedcovers (Quilt, Duvet, or Doona covers) ready to quickly enhance each bedroom's appearance when showing your home.

I learned this lesson when selling my mother's home. I had a call from the real estate agent wanting to bring a buyer through only minutes after putting all of my only set of covers through the washing machine. I quickly ran around and made the beds with the 'naked' white bedcovers. Upon questioning the agent later, she said neither she or the prospective buyer had noticed the absence of bedcovers. Phew!

5. Incorporate Mirrors and Metallic Accents

Mirrors are great to add light and depth to a room. Metallics like copper, silver, and bronze, add visual interest and elegance. Use them thoughtfully in accessories, throws, cushions, and decorative items to highlight room size and ceiling height. Don't overuse them. Buyers will start looking at themselves instead of your home.

6. Add Curves for Warmth

Now is the time to show off your curves! Homes are built with sharp angles so soften them with rounded elements such as cushions, throws, and accessories. This creates a welcoming, cosy, inviting atmosphere.

7. Incorporate Florals and Greenery

Plants and flowers add life to any space. Faux plants are gaining popularity due to their realism and low maintenance, making them a great option too. 

8. Add Practical Accents

Books and candle holders add depth and sophistication to your decor. Choose items based on size, colour, and theme for a cohesive look. Avoid controversial covers or topics; they may become the only thing potential buyers remember about your home.

9. Consider Internet Connectivity

Although not traditional styling, strong internet connectivity is a must-have for younger buyers. Ensure your home is wired for safety and the capacity to meet modern needs. 

10. Tell a Story With Household Items

Use groups of two, three, or five accessories like plates, toys, and candles (no wicks or open flames) to create visual interest and tell a story about your home's lifestyle.

11. Avoid Feature Walls

Feature walls are those imposing coloured walls that can overpower a space. While once popular, feature walls may deter potential buyers who may want to paint the wall out. Stick to neutral tones unless presenting your home to a specific buyer.

I once had a 2-hour occupied home staging consultation where the owner had a beautifully painted wall mural on his hallway wall. When I carefully suggested he paint it over as it may not appeal to all prospective buyers, he understandably declined. (It was his pride and joy.) I suggested he photograph the wall and asked if he would reconsider repainting if buyer feedback about the wall was received. He agreed.

12. Choose Warm Colours

Opt for warm, neutral tones such as warm white or beige for your walls. These colours are inviting, appeal to a broad range of buyers, and make rooms look larger. If you can't afford to paint, get a professional written quote. Your real estate agent can use quotes to your advantage when negotiating with potential buyers.  

Tracey McLeod, Presentation Sells

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Photography by

Pro Vision Image Photography


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